Professional Website Graphics Optimization Services

Optimize Large Images for Higher Speed and Lower Bailout Rates

One third of computer users say they are frustrated by web browsing (see Table 1). Among the most frequent complaints are long download times (Ceaparu et al 2004, Lazar 2004). In our experience, a large part of web performance problems are caused by the alarming growth of un-optimized web page graphics.

Most Frustrating Experiences with Computers

Web Browsing32.7%
Word Processing12.1%
Source: Ceaparu, et al. 2004

Common Problems

With digital cameras now outselling film cameras, the number of digital images appearing on the Web has exploded (Pegoraro 2005). Unfortunately with each new generation of camera, image sensors and mega-pixel counts continue to increase. Partially optimized or unoptimized images are now appearing on sites with sizes approaching 1, 2, even 5 megabytes, bogging down servers and frustrating users. Home page bailout rates rise, bandwidth costs grow, and profits fall as slow-loading graphics bring browsers to their knees.

The Solution: Professional Web Graphics Optimization

Have the graphics optimization experts at Web Site Optimization optimize your graphics for maximum speed. We'll preprocess your graphics for minimum size and maximum quality and compress them to a fraction of their original size. Here are some of the techniques we use when optimizing web graphics:

Benefits of our Professional Web Graphics Optimization Service

When you hire WSO for your optimization needs, you're tapping into a deep pool of expert image optimizers with decades of web design and graphics experience. We employ custom, hands-on image processing and compression techniques. No automated process can replace the pixel-level ministrations of our Master Image Processors (each has a Master of Fine Arts degree) as they massage your images info the smallest file sizes while keeping visual impact high. It's an investment that pays for itself quickly with increased user satisfaction and reduced bailout rates.

Here are some benefits of using our graphics optimization services.

It All Adds Up to Higher Profits

For more details about our Professional Web Graphics Optimization services, call Andy King at or .

Further Reading

Ceaparu, I., Lazar, J., Bessiere, K., Shneiderman, B. (2004), "Determining Causes and Severity of End-User Frustration,"
Found that performance-related problems were the most frequently cited cause of frustrating experiences with computers. Error messages (35), timed out–dropped–refused connections (32), freezes (24), long download time (23), and missing/ hard-to-find features (23) topped user complaints. International Journal of Human-Computer Interaction, 17(3): 333–356 Lawrence Erlbaum Associates, Inc.
Lazar, J., Jones, A., Bessiere, K., Ceaparu, I., & B. Shneiderman (2004), "User Frustration with Technology in the Workplace,"
In this experiment, users reported wasting on average, 42-43% of their time on the computer due to frustrating experiences, which included word processing, e-mail, and web browsing. Technical Report, 2005-53.
Pegoraro, R. (2005), "Be Camera-Ready When You Shop"
According to the Photo Marketing Association International digital cameras began outselling film cameras in 2003, and by the end of 2005 over half of U.S. households owned a digital model. Washington Post, August 21, 2005.
Pew Internet and American Life Project (2003), "The Ever-Shifting Internet Population: A new look at Internet access and the digital divide,"
A large percentage of people polled never go online in the first place, finding the technology too frustrating and overwhelming. Report available at: and downloaded on April 7, 2006